May 25Liked by Derek Krissoff

Happy to chat about this offline, Derek. I’m an OER advocate. I also know too much about the relationship between institutions and bookstores, which are often owned by B&N or Follett.

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May 26Liked by Derek Krissoff

I teach English/humanities classes. I use a mix of print and digital sources, and I find that I re-evaluate every year. For example, for the past few years I’ve used an OER for my American lit survey course, but probably going back to Norton next time.

No matter what I’m assigning, though, I’ve found it important to include more explicit discussions about formats. Some of this is very practical, like showing/reminding students how to print online readings. I talk more explicitly about my own reading (ex: I most often read journal articles online, but sometimes print them; I use a mix of ebooks and print, digital archives and physical archives, etc, for research.) And I ask students to think about how to adapt reading practices (like annotating) across a variety of formats. I’ve found Jenae Cohn’s *Skim, Dive, Surface* to be so helpful for this.

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